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#1 All Systems Super Cleaning & Condditioning Shampoo is the ideal shampoo for the jacket coat type.

Setters and spaniels typically have a  silky undercoat and a coarser outer coat, which is often referred to as a "jacket."  Grooming the breeds with this coat type requires specific products to keep them looking great. 


Dogs with long, silky furnishings like Setters and Spaniels may be more prone to tangles and mats. Moisture keeps the cuticle smooth and flat but shampoos with heavy emollients and oils are all wrong. Choose a mild moisturizing shampoo that is also formidable enough to clean the outer coat without stripping its natural oils.  A correct conditioner will not add weight or coating but will strengthen, detangle and protect.


 #1 All Systems Super Cleaning & Conditioning Shampoo is the perfect effective shampoo and its advanced moisturizing components keep silky coats smooth and tangle-free but it will not coat the hair shaft, weighing it down, it will never build up and never strip the coat.   This gentle shampoo cleans quickly, rinses quickly, and is tearless plus it's concentrated to be versatile and economical.    

#1 All Systems Grooming For Breeds With Jackets


Botanical Conditioner is the first in a new generation of conditioners with all-natural components.  This perfect conditioner keeps coats free of static, smooth and silky.  It will not weigh down the coat or build up. Controls even the most difficult coats while reducing matting and tangling.

This instant conditioner created by #1 All Systems is formulated from botanical extracts and adds texture and lustrous shine.  It is concentrated so that you can dilute as much as needed.

Fabulous Grooming Spray is excellent for use every time you brush.  It adds moisture and protection but will never get tacky or turn brittle.  And, no build up.   This #1 All Systems spray is equipped with an extra fine trigger spray so you can control how much and where it is used.


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